Unconstitutional Lawmaking in America

Unconstitutional Laws Widespread in America

Civil Rights Champion, Louisiana ACLU Silent on Issue

Many families, men, women, children are continually having their Civil Rights violated in Louisiana.

ACLU Silent on Civil Rights for Some People in Louisiana

The state of Louisiana has enacted a number of laws labeling, targeting and singling out a group of people.

The state has effectively created a new under class of people and gone to war against them using the legislature to do it. This new underclass contains a wide spectrum of people. Men, Women and Children who are being labeled, segregated, punished, banished and ostracized from the rest of society.

All of this done to gain political clout.

ACLU of Louisiana Mission Statement:
To help the citizens of this state secure and maintain the fundamental rights guaranteed them by the Constitution of the United States and by the Louisiana Constitution when it may offer greater protection.The ACLU is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization devoted exclusively to protecting the basic civil liberties of all Americans, as they are embodied in the U.S. and state constitutions. Also, the ACLU defends certain protected groups from discrimination as embodied in laws enacted by Congress or state legislatures.
The Louisiana ACLU has posted on their website:
The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana is freedom’s watchdog, working daily in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend individual freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
How are they helping to defend individual freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in Louisiana concerning unconstitutional sex offender legislation?

Apparently you have to be a homosexual, or a Non-Christian. Seemingly, if you are a homosexual or a Non-Christian, you can get some help from the ACLU in Louisiana.

Unfortunately, our family has no homosexuals, and we all are Christians… maybe that is why they are silent?
I speculate their are a great number of Homosexuals and Non Christians who are being effected by these laws also… so if they help us, they will be helping them as well.

My son wants to tell how these laws are effecting him. He is not an actor, nor has he been told what to say.
He is a VICTIM of Ignorant Legislation.
A 14 year old boy, who now has No Life because of these draconian laws, tells his story. Warning, this video contains emotional material.
The ACLU of Louisiana has been totally silent on this issue after repeated requests for help.
Hundreds if not thousands of innocent children, women and families are being persecuted and denied their civil rights in Louisiana while the ACLU stands silent on the issue.
With passing of a number of unconstitutional laws which clearly are direct violations of both the United States Constitution and also the Constitution of Louisiana, children are the victims of run away legislation by the lawmakers of Louisiana.
These retroactive laws which ad punishment to person who have already served their time are in direct violation of the constitution. These retroactive laws have already been ruled unconstitutional in other states.
The Louisiana ACLU has no problem with fighting to keep God out of our public schools.
The Louisiana ACLU has no problem fighting for rights for Homosexuals.
Why is the Louisiana ACLU silent about the rights of thousands of children, families, men and women who are victims of clear violations of the Constitution in Louisiana?
When I first contacted the ACLU in July of 2008. I did not hear anything from them. I waited until August before I began attempting to contact them.
I did not receive any response so I began looking on the internet for ways to contact them.
I was fortunate enough to find a phone number and an email address for the Director.
After a number of emails back and forth, the ending results was this. They are aware of the terrible situaition and plan on addressing it. Just that I may not be the person they use to bring it before the courts. They offer no time when they will address the issues. Basically, they have said they are aware of the problem, but have to find that right person to bring it to the courts with.
This response leaves our children with no hope. We need to get these laws thrown out now, while our children can benefit. We need our constitutional rights NOW, not 20 years from now when all of our children are grown.
How are our constitutional rights being violated in Louisiana?
  • Ex post facto law enacted
  • Due Process Violated
  • Full Rights as Citizens Not Restored
  • Access to Public Parks and Recreation Prohibited
  • New Punishment added to a 25 year old crime when that debt has already been paid.
  • Collateral damage to innocent women and children
  • Banishment of Innocents from society
  • Good Name Defamed
  • Housing Denied
  • Employment Denied
  • Assigned Fees with no court hearing.
  • Threat of Incarceration if one does not Register
  • Threat of Monetary Penalty if one does not Register
  • Adding a Badge of Shame to a Driver’s Licenses (Just like Hitler did to the Jews) Public Humiliation.
  • Children of Former Sex Offenders, Shamed, Ridiculed, Ostracized, Loss of all friends, Outcasts. With your mouths you say protect the children, with your lawmaking you harm THOUSANDS EVERY DAY.
  • Not given access to the courts to plead your case in above said labeling.
  • Good name is defamed.
  • Cannot attend Your Child’s School Events-Even though still required to pay taxes for same event properties which are held on public land.
  • Cannot take children to school sporting events, football, soccer, baseball Even though still required to pay taxes for same event properties which are held on public land.
  • New Driver’s License / State ID every year (with Sex Offender designation) Public Shaming
  • Cost: All other citizens of the state renew their Drivers License every 3 years, Sex Offenders are required to do so Every Year, charging 3 times the amount of other citizens.
Why, when their are so many victims of these civil rights violations, is the ACLU of Louisiana Silent on this issue?
I asked Mike Walsworth if he would help get these laws changed, if he would help the children who are victims of these unconstitutional laws. His response was that these laws are good laws.
Louisiana State Senator Will do Nothing to help all the Victims of thse laws.

I went and talked to the State Representative Mike Walsworth about all the innocent victims these laws are creating. His response, These are good laws. He has no concern for all the children who are victims of these laws in Louisiana. His concern lies with His children, not All children of Louisiana.

Louisiana State Senator Will do Nothing to help all the Victims of thse laws.

I have to wonder, how can a man watch a video of a 14 year old boy, all the way through, intently, and then refuse to do anything about the very laws which are ruining this boy’s life? How can a man who professes to be about Family on his website, do nothing about these laws which are so blatantly unconstitutional?

September 8, 2008 Posted by | ACLU SILENT | , , , , , , | 2 Comments